Affordable Full-Service Dental Care in DELHI
Wide Range Of Products That You Love Most with Affordable price.
India's Leading Dental Solutions
Equipped With World Most Advanced German technology Solution
India's First Automated Dental Creation
Equipped With World Most Advanced German Solution
Interested for Lab Tour : You Must Watch Complete 360 Degree Lab View Video .
Convenient Location
Capital Dental Labs (CDL) deliver products of International standards to the esteemed Dental fraternity..
Full - Service
Capital Dental Labs (CDL) has been established at New Delhi with a futuristic vision to deliver products.
Top Rated Dentists
We have beed awared by top Rated Dentist for providing Most Advance Featured Service to their Customer.

Welcome To Capital Dental Labs
Capital Dental Labs (CDL) has been established at New Delhi with a futuristic vision to deliver products of International standards to the esteemed Dental fraternity. It's inception also marks the amalgamation of various milling solutions from Europe and South Korea under one roof , to deliver the most precise Restorative solution to our customers . CDL has a dedicated team of technicians under the able guidance of our Technical Director - Mr. Vasantha Suresh Naidu, (German Certified CDT) with more than 20 years experience in the profession. Lab has an in-house team of Consultant Prosthodontists, Endodontists, Periodontists, Oral Surgeons, Orthodontists and various other clinicians to understand the clinical challenges faced in daily practice.
#Capital Dental Labs welcomes all clinicians, academicians and PG students for a lab tour. Looking forward to see u all

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Cras a elit sit amet leo accumsan volutpat. Suspendisse hendreriast ehicula leo, vel efficitur felis ultrices non.